Floating jetty Eemshaven
Groningen Seaports manages a floating jetty in the Emmahaven in Eemshaven. This jetty has been used for a considerable time as a mooring and berthing place for various vessels.
These vessels can use the facilities provided, such as drinking water and shore-based power. The drinking water installation and electrical installation had become outdated and no longer met the applicable standards and wishes. Additionally, the jetty was too short to meet future demand. This is why the jetty was replaced entirely.
In collaboration with Groningen Seaports, Stevens Engineering Delfzijl drew up the specifications and made the specification drawings for the water and electrical facilities for the new jetty. The installation had to be robust, sunproof, and seawater-proof. The water installation had to be fitted with tracing with thermostat to prevent drinking water pipes from freezing. For reasons of drinking water quality, KIWA-certified parts were to be used. The cable ladder on which the water pipe and electric cables are mounted is made of glass fibre reinforced polyester to enhance its seawater resistance capabilities. The lighting had to be in compliance with environmental requirements, so LED luminaires and lamps were opted for. Groningen Seaports also stipulated the lighting had to be bird-friendly.

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